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Term 4

Look out for an action packed Term 4 in Room 17.

Congratulations to Bryce, Alice and Roxy for their Animation The Gingerbread Man going into the finals of the MADE AWARDS.

The Gingerbread Man - By Alice, Roxy and Bryce.

TERM3 2010

Well here we are again and look out for an action packed Term 3.

We have Skool-stars with a Red Carpet production mid term.

Welcome to ERO who will be visiting us to view and share our exciting learning journey.

Room 17 will be exploring

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Milk
  • Poetry
  • Making short animations using I Can Animate and green-screening with kidpix.
  • Measurement
  • And most of all


Making Butter

Jump Jam.

Mr Sprinkles

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Montage 5/29/10 at OneTrueMedia.com

Planning Scarecrows and having a play with One True Media


Paula Jamieson said...

Wow, Room 17 is full of such talented artists! I try really hard when I draw but sometimes the pictures on my paper don't look like how I want them to. Does that happen to you sometimes?

Sam said...

" Thankyou for giving us a comment and coming to the blog," said Jahnie.
Yes this happens to us sometimes but we keep practising. Look out for our next step.

Our Whanau